Jurnal Administrasi Bisnis Nusantara 2024-01-26T07:10:15+00:00 Azuwandri, S.E., M.Si Open Journal Systems <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong><em>e-ISSN <a href="">2828-1136</a></em></strong></p> <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong><em>Jurnal Administrasi Bisnis Nusantara</em></strong> terbit pertama kali bulan Januari 2022 dan diterbitkan dua kali dalam setahun yaitu pada bulan Januari dan Juli.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">Redaktur mengundang para penulis dan peneliti untuk menyumbangkan artikel hasil penelitian atau artikel konseptual dalam bidang Administrasi dan Bisnis. Redaksi berhak mengubah atau memperbaiki tulisan yang dimuat sejauh tidak mengganggu maksud dan isinya.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">Pendapat yang dimuat dalam jurnal ini sepenuhnya merupakan pendapat penulis artikel atau tidak mencerminkan pendapat penerbit dan penyunting.</p> Studi Komparatif Kompetensi Sebelum dan Sesudah Pelatihan Agribisnis pada Kelompok Binaan NGO Human Initiative Sumatera Barat 2023-12-27T05:26:03+00:00 Ahmad Fachri Muhammad Farrasky Delas Putra <p>Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis perbandingan kompetensi sebelum dan sesudah pelatihan agribisnis pada kelompok binaan NGO Human Initiative Sumatera Barat selama program Bangun Industri Desa. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kuantitatif. Indikator dalam setiap pertanyaan wawancara selama penelitian diberi skor menggunakan skala likert. Untuk melihat perbedaan kompetensi sebelum dan sesudah pelatihan digunakan Uji T Wilcoxon dengan bantuan aplikasi SPSS 2.6. Hasil penelitian menjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan kompetensi sebelum dan sesudah pelatihan agribisnis pada kelompok binaan NGO Human Initiative Sumatera Barat. Dimana sebelum pelatihan agribisnis diperoleh persentase skor kompetensi pengetahuan (35,16%), kompetensi sikap (6,25%), dan kompetensi keterampilan (26,95%). Sedangkan setelah pelatihan agribisnis diperoleh persentase skor kompetensi pengetahuan (71,48%), kompetensi sikap (43,75%), dan kompetensi keterampilan (56,25%). Dapat disimpulkan pelatihan agribisnis yang diselenggarakan NGO Human Initiative Sumatera Barat telah mampu merubah kompetensi yang dimiliki anggota kelompok binaan menjadi lebih baik. Untuk kedepannya pelatihan perlu diperhatikan pada kompetensi sikap untuk meningkatkan motivasi anggota kelompok binaan dalam menjalankan unit usaha agribisnisnya masing-masing.</p> 2024-01-26T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Ahmad Fachri, Muhammad Farrasky Delas Putra Pengolahan Keuangan dan Aset Daerah Bengkulu Tengah District 2024-01-10T05:40:52+00:00 Sudriyanti Putri Edwarman Edwarman <p><em>The purpose of this study is to analyze the collection and reporting system tax fund restaurant or restaurant in the DPPKAD Bengkulu Tengah District. Data analysis method used is descriptive analysis method with the type of Comparative (comparison).&nbsp; <br>The results showed that the procedures for payments made by DPPKAD Bengkulu Tengah District have fit the decree </em><em>with regulation Bupati Bengkulu Tengah Distict </em><em>No. 40 of 2012 this can be seen from the way the payment of fees or taxes restaurants and restaurants based STPD received by a resident Taxes and Taxpayers pay the bill in a lump sum each month to the cashier DPPKAD Bengkulu Tengah District. Then after making the payment cashier will issue SSPD (Tax Payment Region) as evidence of taxpayer has made tax payments resotran and restaurants. The procedure for tax collection of restaurants and eating houses conducted by DPPKAD Bengkulu Tengah District not fit the decree </em><em>regulation Bupati Bengkulu Tengah Distict </em><em>No. 40 2012. This is due to the many obstacles that cause still difficult implemented a system of sanctions or fines. Comparison between reporting tax restaurants and restaurants by DPPKAD Bengkulu Tengah District with the </em><em>uykf</em><em>No. 40 of 2012 Middle compliance. It can be seen from the dilkukan deposit by cash to the treasurer DPPKAD every day and preparing reports for accountability has been done by the treasurer DPPKAD</em></p> 2024-01-26T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Sudriyanti Putri, Edwarman Edwarman PENGARUH KUALITAS PELAYANAN TERHADAP KEPUASAN KONSUMEN DALAM PENGGUNAAN JASA O.R 44 HOTEL PAGAR DEWA KOTA BENGKULU 2024-01-10T05:42:26+00:00 Gindy Harsono Septi Rindawati Rudi Hartono <p><em>The problem presented in this research is how does service quality influence consumer satisfaction in using the services of O.R 44 Hotel Pagar Dewa, Bengkulu City? How much influence does service quality have on consumer satisfaction in using the services of O.R 44 Hotel Pagar Dewa, Bengkulu City? The purpose of this research is to determine the influence of service quality on consumer satisfaction in using the services of O.R 44 Hotel Pagar Dewa, Bengkulu City, to find out how much influence service quality has on consumer satisfaction in using the services of O.R 44 Hotel Pagar Dewa, Bengkulu City. Sampling in this study used a technique using accidental sampling, namely a technique that complies with the researchers' criteria, namely that they are consumers using the services of O.R 44 Hotel Pagar Dewa, Bengkulu City with a sample size of 40 people. Data collection methods include observation, documentation, literature and questionnaires. Data analysis techniques include validity and reliability tests, descriptive analysis, and classical assumption tests. The research results showed that service quality has a significant effect on consumer satisfaction in using the services of O.R 44 Hotel Pagar Dewa, Bengkulu City. From the results of calculations using the Determination formula, it is obtained that the level of influence of service quality on consumer satisfaction in using the services of O.R 44 Hotel Pagar Dewa, Bengkulu City is 81.6%</em></p> 2024-01-26T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Gindy Harsono, Septi Rindawati , Rudi Hartono ANALISIS PENGENDALIAN INTERN ATAS PERSEDIAAN BARANG DAGANG PADA CV. MITA JAYA KOTA BENGKULU 2024-01-10T05:42:53+00:00 Azuwandri Azuwandri Yuli Yusnita Herry Novrianda <p><em>Inventory is a very important asset for trading and industry companies because it is a source of revenue for the company. Inventory is very adamant to damage and crime, therefore it is necessary internal control of inventory. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to find out how the application of internal control of merchandise inventory on the CV. Mita Jaya.</em></p> <p><em>In this writing, the method of analysis used is descriptive analysis method. Data collection methods used in this paper is to make direct observation, interviews and literature study by studying reference books and similar previous research results to get the theoretical basis of the problem to be studied.</em></p> <p><em>The result of this research is internal control system on inventory at CV. Mita Jaya includes procedures for purchasing / ordering merchandise, sales procedures and procedures for receipt of merchandise. In the application of this internal control there are several parties responsible for monitoring and overseeing the process of transactions related to merchandise inventory.</em></p> 2024-01-26T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Azuwandri Azuwandri, Yuli Yusnita, Herry Novrianda STRATEGI PENGEMBANGAN USAHA SIRUP KALAMANSI MELALUI PROGRAM ONE VILLAGE ONE PRODUCT (OVOP) DI KOTA BENGKULU 2024-01-10T05:36:15+00:00 Dian Mardiati Sari Nurdina Sureta <p>The purpose of this research is to find out the strategy to improve economic value of Kalamansi syrup in the Bengkulu City. This research is descriptive research .&nbsp;&nbsp; Data analysis method used is descriptive analysis and SWOT analysis. Based on the results of the analysis of the data obtained results that the strategy improvement of Kalamansi syrup in the Bengkulu City : (a) support development of more modern processing technology; (b) Conducting orange of kalamansi to take care of the continuity of production; (c) Cooperation between worker in pricing product; (d) Program reinforcement and development micro and small industries; (e) Support capital employed of financial institution; (f) Improve product promotion intensity on local media and national; and (g) Network marketing.</p> 2024-01-26T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Dian Mardiati Sari, Nurdina Sureta Pengaruh Kualitas Produk Harga Lokasi dan Promosi Terhadap Kepuasan Konsumen Pada Toko Kue AHK Keju di Kecamatan Teluk Segara 2024-01-25T16:10:55+00:00 Rahmat Al Hidayat Ovita Charolina Widra Afriani <p><em>The aim of this research is to find out the relationship between product quality, price, location and promotion on consumer satisfaction at the AHK Cheese cake shop, to find out how much influence product quality has on consumer satisfaction at the AHK Cheese cake shop, how much influence price has on consumer satisfaction at the shop AHK Cheese cake, how much influence does location have on consumer satisfaction at the AHK Cheese cake shop, how much influence does promotion have on consumer satisfaction at the AHK Cheese cake shop, how big is the influence of product quality, price, location and promotion on consumer satisfaction at the AHK Cheese cake shop in Teluk Segara District. Data collection methods include library research, observation, documentation and questionnaires. Data analysis techniques using data quality tests, classical assumption tests, multiple linear regression tests and hypotheses. The research results showed that product quality, price, location and promotion together (simultaneously) had a significant effect on consumer satisfaction at the AHK Cheese cake shop with a sig value of 0.000 &lt; 0.05. The influence of product quality on consumer satisfaction at the AHK Cheese cake shop in Teluk Segara District is 8.3%, while the remaining 91.7% is explained by other factors. The magnitude of the influence of price on consumer satisfaction at the AHK Cheese cake shop in Teluk Segara District is 37.1% while the remaining 61.9% is explained by other factors. The influence of location on consumer satisfaction at the AHK Cheese cake shop in Teluk Segara District is 26.7% while the remaining 73.3% is explained by other factors. The influence of promotion on consumer satisfaction at the AHK Cheese cake shop in Teluk Segara District is 78.7%, while the remaining 21.3% is explained by other factors. The influence of product quality, price, location and promotion on consumer satisfaction at the cake shop. The AHK for Cheese in Teluk Segara District is 79.2% while the remaining 20.8% is explained by other factors. Thus, the AHK Cheese cake shop should also try to improve product quality, still pay attention to the prices set, and look for a more strategic location</em></p> 2024-01-26T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Rahmat Al Hidayat, Ovita Charolina, Widra Afriani PENGARUH FASILITAS DAN PELAYANAN KARYAWAN TERHADAP KEPUASAN PENGUNJUNG PADA TAMAN WISATA QWEEN 2024-01-10T05:41:56+00:00 Rahmat Al Hidayat M. Bima Eka Putra Ryan Cahya Pradipta <p><em>The purpose of this research is to determine the effect of facilities on visitor satisfaction (at Qween tourist park, Betungan Village, Bengkulu City), to determine the effect of employee service on visitor satisfaction (at Qween tourist park, Betungan Village, Bengkulu City), to determine the effect of facilities and employee service on visitor satisfaction (at the Qween tourist park, Betungan Village, Bengkulu City), to determine the magnitude of the influence of employee facilities and services on visitor satisfaction (the Qween tourist park, Betungan Village, Bengkulu City). Sampling in this study used the accidental sampling technique, which is a technique for determining samples based on chance, that is, anyone who happens to meet the researcher can be used as a sample. Data collection methods include observation, documentation, literature and questionnaires. Data analysis techniques using classical assumption tests, multiple linear regression tests and hypotheses. The research results showed that facilities significantly influence visitor satisfaction at the Qween tourist park, Betungan Village, Bengkulu City. This is shown by the significance value of 0.000 &lt; 0.05. Employee service significantly influences visitor satisfaction at the Qween tourist park, Betungan Village, Bengkulu City. This is shown by the significance value of 0.000 &lt; 0.05. Employee facilities and services explain changes in the consumer satisfaction variable by 76.2%, while the remaining 23.8% is explained by other factors outside the model.</em></p> 2024-01-26T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Rahmat Al Hidayat, M. Bima Eka Putra, Ryan Cahya Pradipta PENGARUH PELAKSANAAN QR BARCODE MY PERTAMINA TERHADAP PENJUALAN BBM 2024-01-10T05:39:58+00:00 Elmi Chantika Gustini Gustini Ovita Charolina <p>The formulation of the problem in this research is How is the My Pertamina QR barcode implemented at SPBU 24.381.01 Kampung Kelawi, Sungai Serut District, Bengkulu City? How are fuel sales at gas station 24.381.01 Kelawi Village, Sungai Serut District, Bengkulu City? Is there an influence of the implementation of the My Pertamina QR Barcode on fuel sales at SPBU 24.381.01 Kampung Kelawi, Sungai Serut District, Bengkulu City? How much influence does the implementation of the My Pertamina QR Barcode have on fuel sales at SPBU 24.381.01 Kampung Kelawi, Sungai Serut District, Bengkulu City? The aim of this research is to determine the implementation of the My Pertamina QR barcode at SPBU 24.381.01 Kampung Kelawi, Sungai Serut District, Bengkulu City. To find out fuel sales at gas station 24,381.01 Kampung Kelawi, Sungai Serut District, Bengkulu City. To determine the magnitude of the influence of the implementation of the My Pertamina QR Barcode on fuel sales at SPBU 24.381.01 Kampung Kelawi, Sungai Serut District, Bengkulu City. Sampling in this study used a total sampling technique, namely all employees of SPBU 24.381.01 Kampung Kelawi, Sungai Serut District, Bengkulu City. Data collection methods include observational studies, questionnaires, documentation and literature. Data analysis techniques using simple linear regression, correlation coefficient, hypothesis. The research results showed that the implementation of the My Pertamina QR Barcode at SPBU 24.381.01 Kelawi Village, Sungai Serut District, Bengkulu City was included in the very good category. Fuel sales at gas station 24.381.01 Kelawi Village, Sungai Serut District, Bengkulu City are included in the very good category and are already included in the very good category. The implementation of QR Barcodes affects fuel sales at gas station 24.381.01 Kelawi Village, Sungai Serut District, Bengkulu City. The influence of the implementation of QR Barcodes on fuel sales was 88,9%, while the remaining 11,1% was explained by other factors outside the model.</p> 2024-01-26T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Elmi Chantika, Gustini Gustini, Ovita Charolina