All Articles published in the Jurnal STIA Bengkulu are original works of authors with a broad spectrum of topics. Detailed coverage of articles have been accepted for submission of Administration studies.
The bibliography taken from the book is written in order: author's name, year, book title (italics),
publisher name, city.
[1] Wigroho, H.Y., 2001, Frame Structure Analysis & Design Using SAP 2000 version 7.42, Andi Publisher, Yogyakarta.
[2] ACI Committee 318, 1992, Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete (ACI 318-92) and Commentary (ACI 318R-92), American Concrete Institute, Detroit, Mich.
Bibliography taken from magazines/journals and research results are written in order: author's name,
year, title of article, name of journal/magazine/institution (italics), volume, page.
[1] Arfiadi, Y and Hadi, M.N.S., 2006, Continuous Bounded Controllers for Active Control
of Structures, International Journal of Computers & Structures, vol. 84, no. 12, pp. 798-807.
[2] Ervianto, W, I., 1998, Analysis of the Factors Causing Delay in Projects Construction, Research Report Atma Jaya University Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta.
Bibliography Taken from the Internet there are several ways of writing.
[1] Brown, R., Shukla, A. And Natarajan, K.R., 2002, Fiber Reinforcement of Concrete
Structures, accessed 30 October 2006,
[2] Shell Structures: Basic Concepts, accessed 10 November 2006,
10. Script submission:
Manuscripts are sent to the Secretariat of the Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Administrasi Bengkulu Jl. Cimanuk KM. 6,5 Kota Bengkulu. Manuscripts must be submitted in hardcopy and softcopy (file) form. Hardcopy can be sent by post or courier service. Meanwhile, softcopy of paper is recommended to be sent by e-mail. When sending by e-mail cannot be done, it can be replaced by sending files on a CD via postal or courier service. Manuscripts are typed in the word processing program Microsoft Word. Manuscripts are attached with name, address, telephone and fax numbers and e-mail address completely and completely clear for correspondence.
11. The content of the writing is beyond the responsibility of the editor. Editors have the right to do editorial editing without changing the meaning.
12. The submitted manuscript will be assessed for eligibility by the Expert Editor. The author whose script published does not receive a fee but will get one copy of the journal edition along with five loose print copies.
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